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It depends on the country you are in. Many recognise 18 years old as achieving majority though this is by no means universal

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10y ago

It varies from state to state. Most states now grant adulthood at 18. Younger people can be emancipated from their family with a court order after a legal hearing.

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Q: What age do you have to be a young adult?
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the different age levels are baby, toddler, child, teen, young adult, adult, elder

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'Young adult' is often used as a substitute for 'teenager', and covers the age bracket from 12 to 19 years old.

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19 to 34

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A child is anyone 13 and under; young adult is 16-21 years old.

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any age from when you are a young adult to senior

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You should be put in a young offenders jail not an adult jail at that age.

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depends on age if young have adult supervision

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It means that you are growing up to be an adult

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