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Q: What advantages and disadvantages does the human transporter have to a bicycle or automobile?
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What items use wheels and axle?

a bicycle an automobile a go-cart

What is a bicycle roundabout?

A bicycle roundabout is a roundabout intended for bicycles, typically used in order to improve the flow of automobile transport.

What are disadvantages of bicycle patrol?

There are several disadvantages to bicycle patrol. One being that the speed is significantly slower than a car patrol. Additionally, there are safety concerns because they are on a bicycle which does not fully protect them in the event of an accident.

What would be the advantages and disadvantages of using magnetic levitation to run a public transportation system?

The advantages: -Getting Money -Not having to spend time starting cars or pedaling a bicycle -Getting famous The disadvantages: -People stop using system -System breaks I had this question in my textbook and decided to answer it here.

Is motorbikes an automobile?

No, a motorbike would be a motorcycle or dirt bike type of thing. Or a bicycle with a engine. A automobile would be a car, truck or semi. But it could possibly be a automobile if you think about it, but i'd say no.

When was the first Automobile crash in the US?

The first automobile crash in the United States occurred in New York City in 1896, when a motor vehicle collided with a bicycle rider.

Can you drink and drive a boat?

No, in the USA as far as I know it would be the same as drinking and driving an automobile or bicycle. ILLEGAL!

On Brain Age 2 what are the speeds you can get?

Walking speed Bicycle speed Automobile speed Train speed Airplane speed Rocket speed

Why did Karl Benz invent the automobile?

I believe the Mr. Karl Benz invented the automobile, because he felt like the was a time in his era, where he needed to get to places faster. he decided to try and make something similar to a bicycle, but using a motor.

What are the advantages of having LEDs for bicycle taillights?

LEDs use much less energy than other alternatives.

What is the advantage of automobile patrol vs bicycle patrol?

You can carry more equipment in a car, transport prisoners, engage in fast pursuit, higher visibility of the officers.

Can you use electromagnetic brake in 2 wheeler or bicycle?

Sure you could, if there were any in production. But since there aren't, you can't. A bicycle is simply too light for the advantages of a EM brake to outweigh the added complexity.