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So far there have only been 6 named Mega Stones: Lucarionite, Blazikenite, Mewtwonite X, Mewtwonite Y, Charizardite X, and Charizardite Y. Lucarionite is the only one listed prior that can be obtained through normal gameplay in both games. Blazikenite must be obtained through an event, which begins on October 12 and lasts until January 15, 2014. Mewtwonite X and Charizardite X can be obtained only in Pokemon X, and Mewtwonite Y and Charizardite Y can only be obtained in Pokemon Y. Mega Stones can be traded between these two games.

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Q: What Mega Stones are unavailable in Pokemon X and Y?
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How much do you get for selling mega stones in Pokemon X and Y?

In Pokemon X and Y you are not allowed to sell mega stones unfortunately. They are considered a special item.

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You cannot find the Mega Stone for Latios in Pokémon X or Pokémon Y.

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There is no such thing as a mega stone in Pokémon Pearl. Mega stones were first introduced in Pokémon X and Y and are required for certain Pokémon to Mega Evolve, which is a temporary new evolution stage.

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The Mewtwonite X is exclusively for Pokémon X while the Mewtwonite Y is exclusively for Pokémon Y, so in order to get both Mega Stones (or more of the same one) and another Mewtwo in a single game, trading is required.

Can you mega evolve in Pokemon Diamond?

No, because Mega Evolution wasn't introduced until Pokemon X and Y.

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Good physical sweepers in Pokemon X and Y are Mega Lucario, Mega Mawile, and Heracross. Other good special sweepers in Pokemon X and Y are Manectric, Alakazam, and Mega Gengar.

Does Mewtwo have a final form in Pokemon?

Mewtwo can Mega Evolve into either Mega Mewtwo Y or Mega Mewtwo X.

Where is salemence's mega evolution stone in pokemon x?

Nowhere. As of now there is no such a thing as a Mega Salamence.

What is the typing for Mega Charizard X and Mega Charizard Y in Pokemon X and Pokemon Y?

Mega Charizard X, which is exclusively for Pokémon X, is a Fire/Dragon-type Pokémon, while Mega Charizard Y is Fire/Flying (Pokémon Y only).Its respective Mega Stone is acquired as soon you pick Charmander from Professor Sycamore.

What are all the Pokemon in Pokemon X?

Pokémon exclusive to X version include-Mega Charizard XMega Mewtwo XStaryuStarmieHoundourHoundoomPoochyenaMightyenaAronLaironAggronLileepCradilyAnorithArmaldoSawkSwirlixSlurpuffClauncherClawtizerXerneas

Does Mewtwo evolve in Pokemon FireRed?

Mewtwo is the ultimate Psychic type legendary Pokemon. It was introduced in the first generation and does not evolve into any other Pokemon, although as of the sixth generation it can mega evolve into Mega Mewtwo X or Mega Mewtwo Y.

What Pokemon color is mega Charizard?

This depends if you are referring to Mega Charizard X or Mega Charizard Y. Mega Charizard X is black and blue with darker blue wings. Mega Charizard Y has similar coloring to regular Charizard and is orange and yellow with turquoise wings.