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The Sinnoh region was one of the Pokemon regions. Sinnoh took place in all 3 of these games: Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum.

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โˆ™ 8y ago
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โˆ™ 9y ago

Pokemon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum are DS games that all take place in the Sinnoh Region

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Q: What DS game has the Sinnoh region?
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Platinum is going to come out for the DS, and it's still in the Sinnoh region, but the main legendary Pokemon is going to be Giratina.

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Adding Kanto Pokemon into The Sinnoh DexNo, because Kanto region is a gameboy color game, you need a game boy advance game since only that game boy format is compatible with the N DS. Answer #2: You can transfer, not trade your Kanto Pokemon into the P/D/P Pokedex by beating the Elite Four in the Sinnoh Region and then visiting Pal Park. After doing so, save and restart the DS (You can't do this with a DSi). You should see "Transfer from 'FireRed/LeafGreen/Emerald/Ruby/Sapphire'. You then choose 6 Pokemon that you want to 'catch' in the Pal Park.

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You can't find it in the Sinnoh region, you have to migrate one from Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald.

Where is be n the game Pokemon platinum?

Not quite sure what you mean. But it is the sinnoh region.

How do you unlock the Sinnoh region in Pokemon Heartgold and Soulsilver?

There is no Sinnoh to unlock in either game. If you want to access Sinnoh, you must buy Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum Versions.

What was the first Pokemon in siouh?

The first Pokemon in the Sinnoh region game is Turtwig.

Is there going to be a region after sinnoh?

there is no region after sinnoh in Pokemon diamond and Pokemon pearl.

How do you get to the Sinnoh region in Pokemon soul silver?

You can't go to the sinnoh region.

How do you get to the sinnoh region?

You can only go to the Sinnoh region in the games Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum.

Can you get to the Sinnoh region in Pokemon white?

No there is no way to get to Sinnoh.