Level 126 combat in free to play and level 138 combat for members.
you need to be a member and have a high hunting level to get a spotted cape.
The best spot to train hunter in is the Feldip Hills as it can support your hunting to level 45.
The faster the skill is to level the more gp it costs, fletching, cooking being the fastest.
The fastest way of getting level 70 Defense would be Soul Wars 50/50, if it's still going.
Player Non-member: Level 126 Member: ( Summoning ): Level 138. Monster Non-Member: Hellhound, level 122. Member: Nex, level 1001.
I sugest you train on flesh crawlers. The are level 35 in level to of stronghold and they give the fastest xp on runescape f2p im pretty sure.
send me your user and pass and ill get your lvl up to 110 or 130 at cutiester@hotmail.com
I have placed a link to a page that might be able to help you out in the "Related Links" section below.
If your not cheating, then the fastest way is to buy high level logs and fletch them. Since arrows and bows are sellable you'll be loosing only some of the money.
Keep playing. Try to get more xp by kill and skilling.. BTW its max in 120 level.