Plusle can be found and caught on Route 110.
No, Plusle does not evolve.
No, Plusle cannot learn Surf.
It is under the bike path. it is slightly rarer then minum, but it is easy to catch. I beat the game so i should know. :)
Trophy Garden. There is a 5% chance of getting a Plusle leveled 16-18.
After obtaining the National Pokedex, when you talk to the Pokemon Mansion owner, he will often say stuff like: "I have some wonderful Plusle in my lovely garden." He'll not necessarily say Plusle. He could say Bonsly, Eevee, or some others. But if he does say Plusle, go in to the garden and walk around in the grass. Eventually you'll find Plusle. Another way to get one is to, should you have a copy of Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, or Emerald, catch one in any of those, and migrate it to Pal Park.
yes. go to the patch of grass next to the cycling road right below the first building above slateport city. ______________- i am too thick too answer this, phone back in ten mins...
go to the cycling road/route 110 and walk on the grassy road.
Minun are very rare in Sapphire. You find them in the same place that you find Plusle on route 110. The chance of finding a Minun in Ruby is about 15% whereas in Sapphire it''s only 2%. They are there, although they're very hard to find. If you don't want to search for one yourself, you could ask any friends that have the Ruby version to catch a Minun for you and then trade it for something.
You can't catch Zekrom in Ruby version.
you cant catch a man in Pokemon ruby
You can't catch a sentret in Ruby version, but you can catch one in Emerald version.