when u start a new poptropica and your ready to log of click the save and quit button and make a user name and password and always click the save and quit button then the next time you log in click the returning player button and use the same user name and password you created.
The Multiverse is a private game room that you can set up on Poptropica. ... Once you get there, there will a save button for you to push when you want to save.
You can disconnect from Poptropica by closing your browser, or by using the "save and exit" button at the bottom right of the window.
you click the save button in the bottom right corner dur da dur
the only way it will save mine is if you press the quit button then it automatically quits.
Press the Escape button (Esc, beside F1, topleft corner of the keyboard) then press save and quit to title, then you can either hit the X button or the Quit Game button.
I an not help you if you lost your game but I can find a solution. In the bottom right hand corner of the Poptropica game screen there is a save button. Click the button when you are done playing so when you return the next time you can continue with the game.
Save:Just click the button "SAVE". Delete:Go to the homepage or the POP gallery and click log out!
Press the + button on your wii remote. Then press save and quit. But if you don't wanna quit ...just keep playing because it automatically saves
you have to press the save button on the bottom.
you have to go on your spell book and then you click the gear button. is quit. or exit
If the Neighbourhood button, the save button and the quit button isn't there, simply press Crtrl + C on your keyboard, type in boolprop testingcheatsenabled true, click right anywhere that has an empty space, and click "Enable Save". This should return your game back into normal.