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1.Wing Part is in yumlamd under a sidewalk you buy it from a purple navy. 2.Jet Part you get in town area 3 to acces you have to go through park area 1. 3.Last Part you find it in town area 2 in the second floor which is under.

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Q: Were is the c-slider parts on megaman battle network red sun?
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In megaman battle network 4 the orange navi won't make the c- slider even thou i have all the parts?


Does zero face x in the Megaman x series?

zero faced x in megaman x2 if u didn't collect the zero parts and in megaman x5

Is Megaman and X the same person?

I don`t think so they are different in many ways such as what are they made of. X is made from repliod parts while Megaman is in Cyberspace and is probably made from a matter called plasma if there is such thing or I`ll simply say Megaman is a hunk of moving data WITH a personality. (no offence guys!) lets compare the looks. ( click the links below or copy and paste them into the bar at the top make sure you do this in another window these links are links to pictures of X and Megaman. sorry I cant post the pictures directly) Megaman: http://www.dragonskiz.commegamanroll1.jpg X: X looks more heavilly armored then Megaman and has those ruby things sticking out of his knees (personally i think it looks good) and has a ruby on his forehead with a line of blue going up from it in place of X`s ruby Megaman has an yellow tile and another above that . Megaman has the symbol on his chest Lan has on his bandana as you can see but on X`s chest you see some nice disign of armoring. X has a bigger variety of colours then Megaman but he is less brighter. Megaman has yellow shoulder pads but X has blue shoulder pads. Megaman has hair but X dosen`t. X has 2 big slits that let go of a fire like cape as he runs ( In command mission not in x 1,2,3,4 and 5) but Megaman has some kind of pack (looks like an jetpack) that looks pretty much useless So I`m saying they are NOT the same character but fight with the similar kind of main weapon (the original buster) so you could say they are like... brothers exept they arent enjoy the info!

Who fixes the c slicer parts in Megaman red sun?

the lady in sharo area

What does the junk parts in Megaman Zero 4 do?

a girl in sharo will make them into a z slider

What are the main parts of a network?

These are the basic parts of a network.NIC - Network Interface Card -HubSwitchRouter

Advantages of duplicating parts of networks?

Duplicating parts of a network are common when fault tolerance is required. Then, a component or a network pathway may fail but the network is still available because the backup devices are available even if the primary is not.If the network is performing correctly then the duplicate parts of the network may participate in the network traffic, using a technique known as load balancing. This ensures that there isn't a bottleneck in the network by alternatively moving traffic to equal parts of the network, thus not overloading any part of the network.

Where do you get the Vehicle in Megaman blue moon?

you have to go to sharos enter net then go to your left and pay some money for the toll the go to the girl then she will tell you that she need three parts to make it. (board parts, wing parts, and jet parts)

What were the good parts of the American revolution?

the battle of Trenton and the battle of yorktown

What are two parts that make up network address called?

Network Portion Host Portion

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How many parts are they in Beowulf?

"Beowulf" consists of three main parts: the battle with Grendel, the battle with Grendel's mother, and the battle with the dragon. Each part highlights a different heroic feat of the protagonist, Beowulf.