

Were do zombies come from

Updated: 10/24/2022
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12y ago

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Zombies are fictional creatures. In most literature they are dead people who have been reanimated (brought back to life) to some degree. In most current fiction a Zombie that comes back to life due to a an infection that was received before death. It is currently a popular area of fiction and can be seen on TV and in the movies.


- On AMC "The Walking Dead"

- The movie "Dawn of the Dead"

- The movie "I am Legend" with Will Smith

- The movie "28 Days"

There is also a religious aspect to Zombies. In Haiti some people believe they have become zombies or fear they will be turned into Zombies.

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They can come by loud sounds and blood.

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There is no scientific evidence to suggest that zombies will come to Earth. Zombies are a fictional concept popular in movies, books, and TV shows.

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Zombies are deceased reanimated people, so just like people zombies come in all shapes and sizes.

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Sadly, no : (

Are zombies dead?

Zombies are lifeless, they do not exist. But still they believe that zombies are dead bodies which come after its death, transforming it's self into a hideous creature!

How do zombies act?

Because zombies are fake, they do not act in any specific way. Each person may come to a different conclusion about how zombies act.