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Tanks are very heavy vehicles, and need their tracks to spread their weight on the ground. This helps them travel over soft ground without sinking in too deeply. The metal tank tracks are also less likely to be damaged by gun fire, which would soon puncture pneumatic tyres.

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Why army tanks have chained wheels?

Amy tanks do NOT have chained wheels. Tanks are tread laying machines.

Why do tanks have wheels?

Tanks have interior wheels that drive their treads, which revolve around the outside of the entire set of hub wheels. Light tanks may have road wheels that are fitted underneath, to avoid damaging the surfaces of roadways and bridges.

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Propane tanks are typically made from a low carbon steel called ASTM A612 steel. This type of steel has good weldability, high impact strength, and is suitable for high-pressure containment applications like propane tanks.

How were tanks built?

The first tanks were constructed of riveted steel. During the Vietnam War, the M48 Patton tanks were built of cast one piece steel. After the war, today's tanks are made of classified synthetics.

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Here is a list of suppliers that sell both new and used stainless steel tanks: There are several companies that provide cheap stainless steel tanks. The best place to find them online is from,they sell both used and new stainless steal tanks.

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Give reasons why copper is used to make hot water tanks and not steel?

If you are talking water heater, they are made of steel. If talking storage tanks, copper lasts much longer than steel. Will not rust.

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What are tanks made of?

In Vietnam, US Army/Marine Corps M48 Patton medium tanks were built from solid cast/wielded steel (no rivets and no plates). The brand new M551 Sheridan tanks had aluminum hulls and steel turrets and guns.

Why did Japan not use a lot of tanks in World War 2?

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Are carbon steel storage tanks appropriate to store NAOH?

No, carbon steel storage tanks are not appropriate for storing NaOH (sodium hydroxide) as it can cause corrosion of the tank. Stainless steel, fiberglass, or polyethylene tanks are better suited for storing NaOH.

Is aluminum used in military tanks?

The M551 Sheridan had an aluminum hull, but almost all tanks have had steel hulls.