you will be bumblebee. you have to destroy the defenses then it will tell you to go to the courthouse keep destroying the defenses.
You Don"t Beat Him By Hunter Hos
If you beat the game you can play as every Autobot or go to the main menu touch start and then touch replay missions, then play story missions as the character they give you....... These are some missions where you don't play as the create-a-bot...................................Police Brutally, Too Late, Winter Showdown,Happy Landings,Know the Enemy,Driven to distraction,In through the Back Door, The Heist,Clearing the Road,Bombing Run,Interference,Narrow Escape Downtown Blackout,and End Game.
After Brawl says " I'm a tank you're a truck how do you expect to beat me?" Hit him with 4 Sector 7 tanks.
Once you beat the game (You don't have to get 100)You unlock all the autobots not megatron. that's all i know.
first, you must beat every level on autobots and decepticons. Then, you can go back and replay any level with the character you beat it with.
you keep shootin until megatron dies because autobots are he best no doubt about it
Sry idk but im stuck on the same thing..... try shootimg the purple things megatron shoots
u could do allspark wars or u could use cheats to do something funny or epic.
you have to beat people on Nintendo wi-fi connection.if you realy good in Nintendo wi-fi transformers battling you can earn enough tokens to get the jet.Rishi
you kill it
You are very happy Love from Dumbledore
in music, its called a BEAT!:P happy now?