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No, the 'main series' Final Fantasy games are completely separate from each other, even though a few names and concepts are shared across the series. But storywise, they are unrelated, you do not need to know anything about any other Final Fantasy game.

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Q: To understand Final Fantasy XIII I have to play the previous games?
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Do you need to play Final Fantasy you before you play Final Fantasy VII?

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Final Fantasy X-7? no. there is Final Fantasy 10-2 which is the sequel to Final Fantasy 10 (and is the only actual sequel in all of the final fantasy games) and there is Final Fantasy 7, but there is no Final Fantasy x-7. the games may be made by the same people but do not relate to each other in anyway other then the fact they are Final Fantasy.

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Sin was only in Final Fantasy X, and mentioned in Final Fantasy X-2.

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There are 3 final fantasy in a playstation 2 console, Final fantasy X Final fantays X-2 And Final Fantasy 12

Do you have to play Final Fantasy I to understand Final Fantasy II?

No, the two games do not have interrelated story lines. They are set in 2 different unnamed worlds. Unlike in Ivalice Alliance which explained the connection between Final Fantasy Tactics and Final Fantasy 12, FF1 and FF2 seems to have no connection though they were later marketed together as re-releases.

Is Final Fantasy for xbox Kinect?

There is Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy XI for Xbox, but no games have been announced with Kinect support.

You are under 13 Are the Final Fantasy Games Right for you?

Final Fantasy games revolve around story, so if you're good at English, then yes. I'd say Final Fantasy is right for you.