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every night brush your dog and leave the brush on the middle of his stomach. plug in the charger and let it sit there all night. When you wake up you have earned 700 trainer points! Hope I helped!

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Q: To get a germen shepherd on nintendogs dashound and friends its 30000 trainer points you havbe 25000 trainer points how can you get the German sheperd in 3 days?
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Do you have to unlock the German sheperd on Nintendogs?

No you just have to play it for a couple of weeks then it will tell you have the German Sheperd unless you have the breed at the start.

What rhymes with sheperd?

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How do you say Shepherd in Norwegian?

In Norwegian, "Shepherd" is translated as "Gjeter."

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he is not a physical shepherd but he is our "shepherd" and we are his "lambs". if we go astray to what God says he will get us.

Is General Shepherd a betrayer in MW3?

No, General Sheperd is not in MW3.

Who would win red bone or German sheperd?

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How do the sheep respond to the shepherd?

very well look at sheperd as their leader

What name is giving to a combination of a German shepherd and a bulldog?

German Bull SHeperd

How do you say German sheperd in French?

A German shepherd is 'un berger allemand' in French.

Is a German sheperd on the aggressive dog list?

Yes, the German Shepherd is on the aggressive dog list.

Sheperd of the hill silent movie what year made?

"The Shepherd of the Hills" (1919). It starred Harry Lionsdale.

Can a German Sheperd kill a Dachsund?

Yes, a Shepherd could kill one in two seconds easily.