

The rules of account

Updated: 10/23/2022
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9y ago

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The Rules of Debit and Credit are:

  • Personal account: Debit the receiver. Credit the giver.
  • Real account: Debit what comes in. Credit what goes out.
  • Nominal account: Debit all expenses and loses. Credit all income and gains.
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Does any one have a runescape account that I can have than send your Username and Password to

Transferring accounts is against the RuneScape rules. Please create your own account, and level it up on your own.Transferring accounts is against the RuneScape rules. Please create your own account, and level it up on your own.Transferring accounts is against the RuneScape rules. Please create your own account, and level it up on your own.Transferring accounts is against the RuneScape rules. Please create your own account, and level it up on your own.

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No one will give you a runescape account, besides it is against Jagex's rules and will lead to you and your account getting banned.

How do you get a free rs account?

Go to Runescape's homepage and register for an account, trading accounts is against the rules.