In Ordon Village, a guy on top of a platform yells an tells you...if you see a yellow arrow on top of someone, you z- target and press A or follow the prompt at the bottom of the screen
you cant. you have to run away from it
I'm not too sure but there's a possibility that, "Twilight Princess" is more about saving Hyrule than going of to save the Princess. And... SPOILERS: Zelda gives away her soul to, Midna and disappears after that...
You multiply your coinsa and take the bucket and throw it away :)
you use your arrows and shoot at a switch around there the door will open .careful not to get blown away
Spin attack when u have the light sword. Charge it by getting sols. sols also cut away darkness
go to the dot and use mandia to make a cyrcle around its legs and bit away.
A unique idea for a presentation on Princess Diana would be to talk about what England and the world would have been like if Diana had never existed. Princess Diana passed away August 31, 1997.
You get it from the first temple after fighting the king monkey by rolling into the pillars after he throws the boomerang and smack his butt until he runs away in shame.
you do like when you escort the zora child to the shaman you must use the boomerang to blow away the flaming arrows
To talk to people that lived far away
If you are talking about the palace of twilight you have to find a sol and when you get near the smoke it will go away but be careful because the hand you take it from will try to take it back. There are two sols and when you get them and place them in the front of the palace in the holes the sols will transfer there energy into your sword so when you have you sword out it will go away. P.S. There is a holographic Zant and you have to beat him before you get the sols.Ask this question if you want to know how to beat him.In Zelda twilight princess how do you beat the holographic Zant? If you are talking about the forest where you start, you'll need the lantern. A monkey steals it at helps you through
You warp. And then find the better route. Its best if you destroy the boulders blocking the one path in Hyrule Field to the Castle, if not, find another route.