Who cares! Play Roblox a free vitural online game
at runescape.com
www.buildabearvile.com is really cool and its free
Bin weevils, fantage, secret builders, runesqape, world of warcraft, small worlds, our world
aq worlds, call of duty modern warfare, toontown, etc
wizard 101
I have a computer and I have several online virtual worlds that I play on but in order to get everything on that site I have to become a memeber, by paying real money. I can't find any free virtual worlds. Please help! Please no cursing, thank you!
You can't play it online for free but you can share home made worlds but you need wi-fi for it.
imvu.com smeet.com secondlife.com rocketon.com
super secret
Fantage, Club Penguin. Those are free but you need to pay to get certain things. Also, if your a girl, try girlsgogames.com. Have Fun!! KK