

Best Answer

If in doubt regarding computer games (or the internet in general), do not belive your kid! Read a few reviews. There are some good sites on the internet which can help in deciding if you should or shouldn't buy a game for your child.


Oblivion was rated T when it came out, but due to a MOD on the PC it was made M.

The MOD was basically being able to play a topless woman. The nudity is in no way sexual, and it is something you actually have to put in the game, so I wouldn't worry about it.

If you are thinking of getting the game for the Xbox 360, then don't worry about it. You can't use the nudity MOD for it.

The game has an occasional sexual reference that would be acceptable in a PG movie, and the violence isn't too bad. You can shoot people with arrows and you can see the arrows come out the back a little bit (This includes head shots), but there isn't much blood at all.

The only reason this was rated M was because of a stupid MOD that no one can get unless they are playing on PC. This game is not bad at all and I would say it's fine for your son as long as he's over 12.

This is a good game, the content is sutible for ages 13 and older.

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Q: Should Oblivion be rated M My kid tells me that it used to be rated t. Should i get it for him?
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