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you cant.

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Q: Runescape- how to take paint off of a kite-shield?
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Where can you find the dragon kiteshield in RuneScape?

There is no Dragon Kiteshield in Runescape, there is only a Dragon Square Shield and to get the your cheapest bet is off another player at Grand Exchange.

If you have dyed your abyssal whip in runescape can you can you get the dye off?

its called paint not dye, and yes, you can take it off by using a cleaning cloth on your abyssal whip.

Can Coca-Cola take paint off a car?

No, it will not take paint off a car.

What can take off car paint?

paint remover

How can you take off permanent paint?

you don't you paint over it!! you don't you paint over it!!

How do you take paint off a book?

Unless it is very unusual paint, I have always managed it with Goof Off.

What can defend you from magic on RuneScape?

Usually dragonhide or just take your armour off

Can ham take off car paint?

Yes but paint stripper is more affective

Does bologna take off car paint?

Yes. Phoroshoric Acid is in bolonga peels the paint off any car.

Will old English oil take off paint?

No, it will not

How do you do level 11 factory balls 3?

yellow paint,hard hat,black paint,take off hard hat,belt,pink paint ,hard hat and belt,blue paint,take off hard hat and belt.

Factory balls 3 answers to level 13?

OK, you do black paint, tiny earmuffs, the paint with the ! on it x2, take off the tiny earmuffs, put on big ones, black paint, then the paint with the ! on it, last you take off the big earmuffs.