

Best Answer

to all 300 people i would use 20 ton chaons

fill their body with non lethal painful poison

and chain them to a bed

spray cold water on them for an hour

then turn on the oven they were chained to burnt them alive and cut their corpse in half

stop being apathetic

severe disclaimer: this is the stuff people think of when they watch Horror movies i would never ever do this and is all fake

but it was hard to imagine what could be worse than jigsaw series and that would be the trap or movie thats it

i call it the horror of the red hills

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omniface omniface

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โˆ™ 3y ago
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Q: Refer to cod question ignore answer therethis is wha i would do to all those who did not respond here or on yahoojoke saw is fakeand it was really a smash melee question?
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