If you would like to change your NAT type from strict or moderate to open it first depends on your router, (linkseys, Netgear) For both use a wired or Ethernet computer and type in the web address. Then it will ask for a user and pass, which is usually;
USER: admin
PASS: password
unless you have changed it. From then on it depends what router you have so with that i can answer.
Test your xbox live connection in network settings and your nat type is open
Set your NAT type, to "open".
Could be the NAT on your router or his/her router. try disabling or opening the NAT.
Yes, the type of router you use for running Xbox Live does matter. If your router is incompatible it can stop you from playing Live altogether, or, if it does let you play, you can have a Closed or Moderate NAT instead of an Open NAT, which is ideal. Having a Closed or Moderate NAT can stop you from joining certain parties and playing with certain people online. I have attached a link to a list of Approved Routers for Xbox Live. Hope this helped.
well he might google it
I am using the Netgear DG834GT and am running 2 xbox360 2 laptops and 2 base computers. I never get any problems with them they are allways NAT OPEN... Hope this helps
With an open nat it's possible to host online games and get into games quicker
you need a router to fix it sorrymarian4
It could be settings on one of the Xbox. Go to settings and test the Xbox Live connection. Auto configure it back to the original settings. It should fix the problem.
Nat Wolff and his family live in New York.
Yes it can just have to watch your bandwidth limits and i am not able to get nat to be open for me... maybe something i have wrong