The only way to use a cheat is to get an AR for the DS and find a code online to cheat on whatever you want to cheat on in drawn to life.
drawn to life is awesome
521202c0 02014fd0 221202cb 00000005 d0000000 00000000
Drawn to Life happened in 2007.
press start to pause it, then hold l and then pressa,x,bb,y
Drawn to Life happened in 2007.
Drawn from Life was created in 2001.
no he does not come back to life on drawn to life but he does come back on drawn to life the next chapter.
You can't get invinsibility in Drawn to life the next chapter but you could do it in drawn to life. If you are playing drawn to life you pause the game then hold L Then Press AXBBY.
Master Code: D8BAE4D9 4864DCE5 Buy Master Balls Code: 82005274 0001
here ya go 121d8fa0 0000270f hope i helped