Collect all 3 pieces by breaking open red boxes in CityRide. I am almost sure you can never keep it after city ride.
KO a kirby 5 times while on their air ride machines in city trail
In City Trial mode destroy all of the dilapidated house for Hydra Part X, KO over 1500 enemies in Stadium's Kirby Melee for Hydra Part Z, KO enemies over 150 times in Stadium's Destruction Derby for Hydra Part Y.
Waddle Dee is not an unlockable character in Kirby Air Ride instead they appear as stage obstacles.
Yes besides them King Dedede and Meta Knight appear as playable characters as well as other air rides like the Swerve Star and Jet Star just to name some.
Getting Hydra in City is a 3-Step process. Checking my *ahem* 100% complete must do the following to unlock Hydra pieces X, Y and Z. Then you can collect all of them in the red boxes in City Trial randomly.Hydra Piece X - Destroy all of the piles of junk in City Trial.Hydra Piece Y - KO enemies in Destruction Derby 150 times total.Hydra Piece Z - KO over 1,500 enemies in Kirby MeleeTo get Hydra in Free Trial, you must simply unlock all of these, then you can use Hydra to your hearts content!That I know of, you cannot unlock Hydra in Air Ride or Top Ride.Read more:
there is a kirby air ride
There is no galalax in Kirby Air Ride.
You can get brown Kirby by defeating drag race 2 with the wing star under 29 seconds
Kirby Air Ride happened in 2003.
Kill all the CPUs in citytrial in under one min
Play 100 vs. races.
In city trial you go to Mexico and get swine flu then ull unlock it