I am not aware of any free GIS (Geographic Information System) courses, but I know that many community colleges offer GIS courses. You should call your local community college and see if they have any offerings.
GIS Trainings can either virtual, or not. If you choose the first option you just need to take your time and choose the best online course for you and your needs. Spotting on the second option GeoSpatial Training services is a good choice. Please, have in mind that GeoSpatial are offering online training, too.
GIS, or Geographic Information Systems, involves the mapping, modelling, and cataloging images of the planet. Information about GIS can be found through a number of websites, including esri, jobs.teck, and bcit.
You can get those by going to your local GIS. try searching on google for your county's GIS. Or try to enter your county's abbreviation in front of GIS, like this ABCGIS. ABC is a example of your county's abbreviation. good luck
Referring to the US Army specifically in RVN; letters were allowed, both incoming & outgoing. GIs simply wrote the word "Free" where the stamp was normally placed then tossed it in the orderly room's mail slot. Letters received had stamps on them of course, but GIs were instructed (and taught during training) to burn their mail after reading them. The reason was the keep the enemy from obtaining the GIs family address, and other personal data. The (enemy) communist intelligence network had been known to contact members of the GIs family in the US and impart propaganda to a GIs household. "So destroy your letters" was SOP. As a matter of fact, even when GIs killed NVA/VC personnel, the enemy bodies were searched for letters, maps, rank insignias, photographs, etc. and handed over to Intel. And of course the enemies firearms, pith helmets, and belt buckles were taken as war souvenirs. SKS rifles & K54 pistols could be legally kept by GIs and taken home as his to keep.
You can get free copies of GIS data files for drawing counties in your state from government websites such as data.gov, state GIS portals, or county government websites. These sources often provide access to shapefiles or other GIS data formats for counties. Make sure to check the terms of use and any licensing restrictions before using the data for your particular purpose.
What GIS stand for in genetics
GRASS GIS was created in 1984.
Quantum GIS was created in 2009.
GIS is basically cartography on a computer (information system). So GIS is an application of cartography.
Earning a certificate in GIS is not the same as GIS certification. Unless the certificate program you attended results in a higher degree such as a Bachelor's or Master's degree, there are no initials you can place after your name. GIS certification is a fee-based process currently handled by the GIS Certification Institute (GISCI), that evaluates the GIS proficiency of an individual by assessing their experience, education, and contributions to the GIS industry. Those individuals awarded certification by the GISCI may place the acronym GISP (for GIS professional) after their name.
TeleCAD-GIS was created in 2002-02.