counter strike zombies with bots and vip
Yes, there are a couple of Zombie Mod plugins for AMX Mod X. The most popular ones are Biohazard and Zombie Plague. They can all be played online, because Counter-Strike is an online game.
wa bybi
It isn't really a cheat, but some mods will allow you to carry multiple weapons, like SuperHero Mod, or Zombie Mod. You can shift through them just like in HL.
Any website as long as it's free of viruses
One of the most popular Counter-Strike 1.6 Zombie Mod servers is the ZoD Zombie Plague server. It can be accessed at the IP of on port 27015.
Counter-Strike: Source (abbreviated CS:S) is a first person shooter created by valve there are three different types of games you can get: Original (terrorist v counter terrorist) Zombie (one player starts as a zombie and attempts to turn the rest of the humans) and VIP smiler to zombie but if the VIP, who is random, is killed then zombies win) but lots of severs vary there rules and factors (gravity, clipsize, health) so have fun finding the sever for you
Yes as long as it was made for either CS 1.6 or CS:CZ.
Join a counter strike server with zombie plague mod installed. I recommend the Official Zombie Plague Mod You can get all details including the server IP address, staff and even VIP information at the community website: Enjoy!
i have found some cheats but there was no zombie cheat
Click the "CS:S Zombie Mod" link below. Then select one of the zombie mods. Follow the instructions on the first post or on the downloaded readme to install it. Note: You must first install SourceMod on your server.
There are no cheats