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Call of Duty Black Ops, Modern Warfare 2 and 3 for Throwing knives and Battlefield series for vehicle

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Q: Is there any FREE multiplayer fps games that have throwing knives or vehicles?
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What are multiplayer computer games?

Multiplayer games are games that you can play with other people

Does the PS3 have good multiplayer games?

i have a ps3 in my opion multiplayer games are off this planet

Can you throw knives on cod modern warfere 1?

Go to Equipment in the create a class menu, you should unlock the Throwing Knife at lvl 7, just put Throwing Knife on as your Equipment, then, when in game, just push the R2 button to throw it. (R2 is the button to throw it on Ps3, i'm not sure what button it is for PC or Xbox)

Where can one find free online multiplayer games?

There are many websites which have free online multiplayer games. For instance, Texas Hold'em and the game called Scrabble are multiplayer games and are available to play through websites such as Pop Cap. Game Sheep and Free Arcade also have multiplayer games.

Are there girl's multiplayer games?

yes there is

Which of the current gaming systems has the best library of multiplayer action games?

The Xbox 360 has the best library of multiplayer action games.

Where can you find cool online multiplayer games?

There is a link in the related links that has a list of multiplayer online games, both free and paid.

What are some non-violent online multiplayer games?

There are many different non-violent online multiplayer games and I am going to list some for you. Some non-violent online multiplayer games are Feralheart, The World, and many more.

What are the best multiplayer games?

Here is a short list of good multiplayer games:runescapewizard 101clubpenguinspineworldbinweevelshabbo hotelguild warsThere is also a link in related links to a site that has a list of free online multiplayer games.

Is uncharted a multiplayer game?

it also has single player

Is sonic classic collection multiplayer?

No It does feature Sonic 2 and 3, but there is no way to make it multiplayer, and they removed the multiplayer (as well as options) from the games.

Where is there a lot of good multiplayer games you can play?

well to get some good multiplayer games if you have a search bar eg. google. you can write nonoba and there are lots of multiplayer games there go and by the way if you want to add me on nonoba my nickname is FIDYX58 plzz go its a great website