Yes there is. What I do (I use a PS3 but I imagine the other consoles are relatively similar in menu style) is I make a separate saved storyline for it (apart from my main one that I redo) and start a new game with it. By doing this you can do the prologue again. Then, simply delete that game and start over with the new game to play it again.
either a cheat or a really out of way place
yes there is but I forgt them so search up star wars the force unleashed cheats and click n the first link.the force unleashed 2 cheats yu have to unlock them on the game people that put cheats on for no.2 are all lies.
Ps3 Clearly has way better graphics.
Unfortunately, the only way to replay a level in the first game is to replay the entire game
The only way you can redo a quest is if you make a save before you do it, This way once you finish the guest you can just load your save. :)
It isn't possible to skip any levels on Lego Harry Potter.
yes there is as of it been left open at the end seen if u took the good side of the force it has been left open because u save Vader if u take the dark side u kill him but either way there is going to be a third
no way!
It's a quick way for the undo/redo buttons. Hold down X and press left to undo and right to redo.
In a way you can, there's crystals that add certain powers to the saber, and as you progress you may come across several different coloured sabers.