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Q: Is there a storm sprite pet on wizard101?
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Where can you get a serpent?

Well I've been collecting serpents on wizard101 forever now and I've got the snow serpent pet already but the storm serpent is what I'm trying to get.........oh and I don't think you can have two of the same pet on wizard101 either it's a let down like if I have the myth sprite I can not get the dark sprite OH and I don't want to tell you how you DO get the serpent pet sorry cause I ONLY love them not anyone else so BAD ONE

Where do you get the triten pet in wizard101?

There is no pet Triton in Wizard101 Update: There is now a Triton pet in the game. You must me a Storm wizard and complete the Hearts in Atlantis quest, which is a level 78 school quest.

How do you get a dark spirite in wizard101?

You get the dark sprite spell from the death student malorn ashtorn in ravenwood. One of the ways you get the dark sprite pet is defeating lord nightshade and you might get the dark sprite spell.

How do you get a stormzilla as your pet on wizard101?

You can only get a pet Stormzilla if you are a Storm wizard. You can hatch with someone and possibly get one but you will not be able to equip it unless you are storm. ***** Taryn Stormrider - Five Transcended wizards and counting.

How long does it take to hatch a rare pet on wizard101?

Well, for me, it took me ten hours to hatch my heck hound, then, 5 hours to hatch a fire elf, and a storm elf, and and ice elf, it took me 5 hours to hatch these pets as well 5 hour( well, at least for me):Heck hound, fire elf, storm elf, ice elf, myth sprite, life sprite, dark fairy, death sprite, and blue ghost ( and blue banshee)

Is there a harvest lord pet in wizard101?

No but the harvest lord does give you a Rain beetle which is the storm version of the Frost Beetle

How do you get storm hound on wizard101?

You go to the Pet shops in the Wizard City and buy them for a little under 15000 crowns. :P

What are all minions in wizard101?

there is the wooden one and troll and cyclops (all for myth only) fire elemental storm elemental and forest sprite a salamander like thing and something that is ice

What wizard101 boss drops myth sprite?

rattlebones drops the pet, but it sometimes takes a really long time. It took me some days to actually get it but it might come faster for you.

Where can you train your pet in wizard101?


How do you get a pet dark sprite in wizard101?

You can either buy it from the Bazaar, (if they have it in stock) or you can earn it by defeating Lord Nightshade, but it might take a few tries, because its a more rare item that he drops.

How do you get a stormzilla pet in wizard101?

first you have to be storm class. then reach level 46 or 48. you're teacher will have a quest. complete it and you reward will be stormzilla pet. gives a stormzilla card. Hope this helps!