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Yes, there is. The sequel, Phantom Hourglass, was released in late 2007.

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No. I beat it on normal mode, and hard mode after that, and nothing happened.

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Q: Is there a sequel to The Wind Waker?
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How old is young Link in the phantom hourglass?

Phantom Hourglass is a direct sequel to Wind Waker and has the same Link. He is not much older than in Wind Waker.

After TLoZ Wind Waker is there a sequel?

Yes. The Legend of Zelda Phantom Hourglass is its sequel. TLoZ Spirit Tracks is also supposedly going to be a sequel to Phantom Hourglass, but that won't be released until later.

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In the accepted Zelda timeline, Phantom Hourglass is after Wind Waker. When talking about release dates, Four Swords Adventures is after Wind Waker.

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You cannot obtain the Ocarina of Tiime in The Wind Waker.

I went to zelda-gamescom but they didn't have wind waker on it Where can I play wind waker online?

You can not play wind waker online. The only place you can play it is to buy the game, then use a Wii or a Gamecube to play it.

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After you beat The Wind Waker and start the second time, you will keep your old clothes.

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What mermaid? I'm pretty sure there are no mermaids in Zelda Wind Waker. However, in Wind Waker's sequel, Phantom Hourglass, there is a mermaid that appears on Banan Island (I THINK that's what it's called). However it's actually just a woman in a mermaid suit and serves an important purpose in the trading sequence.

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he is a pirate.