The close I got for half snake and half lion is a Griffin, which has a body of a lion a tail of a snake and a head and wings of a Eagle.
Half human, half fish is a Mermaid.
Ophitaurus is a mythical creature that is half fish half cow.
In Ovid's fasti there is a half bull, half serpent called the Ophiotaurus.This creature also appears in Rick Riordan's Titan's Curse.
The hippocamp (ἱπποκαμπος, from ιππος meaning hors and κάμπος meaning monster). They were the the half horse, half fish creatures that drove the sea-chariot of the god of the sea Poseidon (who was also the god of horses).
A Koi-dragon is mythical Japanese creature that is half koi fish at the back and a dragon front end
Grover Underwood from Rick Riordan's popular book series is a satyr.
a cookie
A centaur is a mythical creature that is half human, with the torso and head of a human, and half horse, with the body and legs of a horse. They are known for their strength, speed, and skill in archery.
No but i wish there was one though don't you?
The Minotaur - a half-man and half-bull creature. The King of Crete - Minos - confined it to a labyrinth created by Daedalus and fed it human sacrifices - young people from Athens sent as 'tribute' to Minos. It was slain by Theseus with the help of Ariadne, daughter of Minos.
A Griffin is a half lion half eagle mythical creature have bin real.)