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Q: Is there a lead with ethernet at one end and a phone jack at the other?
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Related questions

How do you wire telephones?

To wire a phone jack, it is best to get a professional. A professional will be able to properly wire your home for a phone. Trying to do this on your own could lead to faulty wiring.

How do you use a guitar amplifier?

You plug it into the wall, plug your lead into the input and plug the other end of the lead into the input jack in your guitar.

What is a jack to jack lead?


Why is lead useful?

Lead can be used as a pure metal, alloyed with other metals or as a chemical compound. Lead is a major component of the lead acid battery and is commonly used in a car battery. It is used in the battery of a phone, which is a very important material for a phone.

Where to put your Ethernet cable for xbox live?

A phone cord has a different connection. You could make the cord work if you knew the pin-out of an Ethernet cable and the resources to do it but it is much easier to just buy the Ethernet cable.

What are the types of the computer wires?

the blue lead is the display lead (VGA) the power supply and you might have an ethernet cable (grey one, for internet) the ethernet cable is for the internet if you computer isnt wireless or if you want better connection the VGA is to connect to a computer screen or any external display the power lead is for power.

How do you get songs from i tunes to your phone?

the songs that you have on your ipod should be on your computer, so you might have a lead that came with your phone. If you do plug the lead into your computer and your phone. then download the songs onto it.if you dont have a lead, you can buy one.

Why do most other countries say mobile phone instead of cell phone?

The reason being, is because it was called a mobile before, before it was called a cell phone. The reason people call it a mobile phone is because it is mobile, and it doesn't have the restriction of a certain lengnth of electrical lead. The reason it was changed to cell phone in the USA, is because they run on a cell (battery), not an electrical lead.

How do you fix dead guitar string?

By this i take it that you mean the "jack plug to jack plug lead" This depends on how it is broke, if it has stopped working then chances are there is a break in the wire somewhere, check the jack plugs at each end if they have a screw type jack plug, unscrew the cover and check for one of the wires being off, if it is, then it needs to be soldered. If the jack plugs are still wired up then the break is in the lead, if you plug the guitar into the amplifier and feel along the lead whilst striking the string you may be able to locate the area of damaged flex and cut the lead back. On the other hand, if the lead has moulded jack plugs then its not really worth repairing as it can cost more for new jack plugs and then its trial and error, you can cut off the jack plugs solder the new ones on, however, if it turns out there is a break elsewhere in the lead then this will have been for nothing.

How do you put videos on phone from computer?

You have to get a speical lead. That fits into your mobile phone, which on the end has a USB lead that fits in you conputer monitor.

Who was the lead singer for great white?

Jack Russell

Who was the lead female vocalist of 'Hit The Road Jack' with Ray Charles?

The lead female vocalist in the song 'Hit the Road Jack' by Ray Charles was Margie Hendricks.