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yes there is a map called moon in COD black ops

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call of the dead is better but moon has nice easter eggs and secrets but for playing COTD is better

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Q: Is there a call of duty zombie map called moon?
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When is Call of Duty Black Ops moon coming out?

It is Call of Duty Rezurrection that includes the Moon Zombie map and it came out on August 23 2011 for the Xbox 360 and will release on September 22 2011 for the PC and PS3

What Are The WaW Zombie Maps Called?

The names of the zombie maps from the Call of Duty World at War and the 3 maps packs are in bold type under the Call of Duty Black Ops Rezurrection Map Pack description of available mapsRezurrection will include a new Zombie Map called Moon and a new zombie featured in the Moon Map Phasing Zombies. It will also include the 4 WAW Zombie Maps Nacht der Untoten, Verrückt, Shi No Numa, & Der Riese that have been modified for Black Ops. It will also include Multiplayer maps Night, Factory, Asylum, and Swamp

When does moon come out on PS3?

Moon must be purchased as a DLC for Call of Duty Black Ops named Rezurrection at a cost of $15 Rezurrection will include a new Zombie Map called Moon and a new zombie featured in the Moon Map Phasing Zombies. It will also include the 4 WAW Zombie Maps Nacht der Untoten, Verrückt, Shi No Numa, & Der Riese that have been modified for Black Ops.

What are Germans called in call of duty black ops zombie mode?

They are nazi zombies but not all the zombies are germain. There are many zombie maps for a total of 11 in Black Ops including the 4 WAW zombie maps in the DLC Rezurrection that also includes the Zombie Map Moon the zombies in WAW and Black Ops are the nazi zombies except for the ones that are not even germain. The are also other call of duty games and only the Treyarch developed games have zombies for only some platforms. The Modern Warfare series does not have zombies

Do you need Xbox live to download the zombie maps from Call of Duty World at War on the hardened edition of Call of Duty Black Ops?

Rezurrection DLC will include the 4 WAW maps Nacht der Untoten, Verrückt, Shi No Numa, & Der Riese along with 5 new maps including zombie map Moon

Is moon the last zombie map?

Yes it was. The Rezurrection Map Pack is the last Map Pack for Call of Duty Black Ops. It also includes the 4 WAW maps besides Moon and they are the last Black Ops Zombie Maps. The Next Treyarch Game will be released in November 2012 and will undoubtedly have more new zombie maps

When is moon coming out on ps3?

Moon is part of the Call of Duty Black Ops Rezurrection map pack that will be sold for $15 at the Playstation Store beginning Thursday Afternoon PDT on September 22 2011.Rezurrection will include a new Zombie Map called Moon and a new zombie featured in the Moon Map Phasing Zombies. It will also include the 4 WAW Zombie Maps Nacht der Untoten, Verrückt, Shi No Numa, & Der Riese that have been modified for Black Ops. It will also include Multiplayer maps Night, Factory, Asylum, and Swamp

Is there a cheat to get on the moon stage of Call of Duty Black Ops?

No you must buy the Download DLC for $15 it is not even part of the game without the purchase of the DLC. At least it is the best one because Rezurrection includes not just Moon, but also the 4 WAW Zombie Maps that have been changed to allow them to work in Call of Duty Black Ops

What zombie maps are in the Rezurrection map pack in Call of Duty Black Ops?

Moon and the 4 WAW zombie mapsRezurrection Map pack has Moon It also includes the 4 WAW Zombie Maps Nacht der Untoten, Verrückt, Shi No Numa, & Der Riese that have been modified for Black Ops and were also available in Hardened and Prestige Editions of Black Ops

Is there nazi zombies on computer?

Not as a separate game like the iPhone game. There are 11 Maps for the zombie Mode including the 3 that came with the game Call of Duty Black Ops. The other 8 can be purchased with one of the 4 DLCs for Black Ops including the 4 that were first used on Call of Duty World at War and available in the Rezurrection Map Pack along with the newest zombie map Moon.

What is the redeem code for the old zombie maps for Call of Duty black ops?

I recommend using the newer zombie maps, but hey, it's up to you. The WAW zombie maps have a one time code that will not even work if you purchase a Used Hardened Edition Call of Duty Black Ops game and try to use the code. They are not sold as a DLC and are only available for individual who purchased new complete editions of the Hardened and Prestige editions of Call of Duty Black Ops. Rezurrection DLC will include the 4 WAW maps Nacht der Untoten, Verrückt, Shi No Numa, & Der Riese along with 5 new maps including zombie map Moon

What is the red max ammo in moon?

In the map Moon in Call of Duty Zombies, the red max ammo power-up is called "Fire Sale." It reduces the price of mystery box spins to 10 points for a limited time.