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minish cap Soon you'll be able to edit Zelda - The Minish Cap using this Editor. greetz MX
You can buy The Legend of Zelda: the Minish Cap on any game systems it was made on at a GameStop or EBGames or someplace like that. But the best way to do so is online, on reliable sites like EBay and Amazon.
On the way out of Minish Village thru the secret exit there is a house with a minish named Belari he gives u bombs.
you can get it in lake hylia i think so.
To get the power bracelets you must follow a treasure hunt devised by the minish in the bottom left house in the town.
the kinstones its spelled are under rocks patches of grass and in treaqsure chests
you could go on www.vizzed/vizzedboard but you have to sign up its free to
if you speak of the Legend Of Zelda: The Minish Cap, you get them in the wind ruins which is directly after you acquire the pegasus boots
Pokemon FireRed, Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap, just to name a few.