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Yes and no. Unwound Future is the American version of the game and Lost Future is the UK version of the game: it depends on what area you live in. The puzzles are virtually all hte smae, except for a few, which are different. That's about it.

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Q: Is the unwound future and the lost future the same game?
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Are Professor Layton and the Lost Future and Professor Layton and the Unwound Future the same game?

Professor Layton and the Unwound Future and Professor Layton and The Lost Future are the same game with some slight variations in a couple of the questions. The Unwound Future is the (US) version and The Lost Future is the (UK) version.

Is the unwound future the same as the lost future?

Yes they are the same game but just have different names. I think the unwound future is an American name for it and the lost future is the UK version

Is Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box the same game as Pandora's Box?

Professor Layton and The Diabolical Box is the (US) Title of the game. Professor Layton and Pandora's Box is the (UK) Title of the game. Most of the puzzles have the same answer, However, some of the puzzles have different answers, (US) version and (UK) version, where this applies WikiAnswers will supply you with both versions of the answer. Professor Layton and the unwound future (US) Plus: Professor Layton and the Lost future (UK) are the same game which in some cases have a different version of the puzzle and answer.

What is the Future Luke's name in Professor Layton Unwound Future?

Luke Triton son of Mr Clark Triton and Mother Brenda Triton will always keep the same name no matter where he is in the World.

When is the lost game coming out?

Lost: The Game is based on the TV series of the same name. As of 2014, the game is already out.

How do you redo the end of Professor Layton and the Unwound Future?

when you finish the game, you can go back onto the save file and redo it by doing the same things you did when you were playing for the first time, or you can go to the floor with the helicopter on it, fly down to the city and solve any puzzles you left behind!

How can you get the exact same game you lost?

You can't :C

What is the third Professor Layton game called?

From research into the matter on the Internet the following information was discovered concerning the Title of Professor Layton 2 . The sequel will have different names depending on it's release location. This may be because of communication problems with customers in Professor Layton and the curious village. In professor Layton and the Curious Village the games were different and had different puzzles solutions for different release areas and they kept the same name. The sequel game that was released in Japan was called Professor Layton and the Devil's Box. While it is available for purchase on eBay from japan you will need a special CD to allow you to play Japanese games on your Nintendo DS. The USA release of Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box is available as of August 24 2009. In the United Kingdom the name is Professor Layton and Pandora's Box will release on September 25 2009.The Game is not actually released as a UK, but as a EUR or European release and should include Australia in the distribution. The USA is actually a NA or North American release and does include Canada for it's release area. Professor Layton 3 will have multiple names for it's release depending on the Market, however only the Japanese release of the game has been completed on Nov 27 2008.

I lost a game for the Wii and I was wondering If I buy the same game will I have my old data?

Yes, The data for the saved game is saved on the Wii itself and not on the game's disk so if you have the same game it will remember.

How old is Luke from Professor Layton?

Actually, many people THINK that Luke Triton is about 13 but actually , like in many puzzles your answers are INCORRECT. Future Luke (Clive) from Professor Layton and the Unwound Future is actually 21 years old. As in that game he says he is from ten years in the future, Future Luke clearly acts like his present self so if you reduce 10 years from Clive's age which is 21, you will get Luke's age, which is in fact 11.

Who was the last team that the Pittsburgh Steelers lost a regular season game and a postseason game to in the same year?

That was the Jacksonville Jaguars, who the Steelers lost to twice during the 2007 season.December 16, 2007 - (lost 29-22)January 5, 2008 - (lost 31-29) Wild Card game

What is the the answer to puzzle 165 in Professor Layton and the Unwound Future?

Puzzle No 165: One Big Necklace, The Time Traveller's House. You have three bracelets that are all the same and would like to make them into a necklace. Please see the related link below for a walkthrough of this puzzle.