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No. The Sword of Altair has +5 in each category - Deflect, Speed, and Damage. Improvised weapons (brooms included) have a rating of 2-3.

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Q: Is the broom stick better than altiar's sword in assassins creed 2?
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assassins creed 2 has definatly a larger map but the kill streaks are much better on assassins creed brotherhood but the story line is alot better in assassins creed 2 hope you have fun with assassins creed 2 or brotherhood ;)

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assassins creed 2 i playd both games the second one is better

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Assassin's Creed 2 is a very good game and a brilliant story line. Assassins Creed Brotherhood is worse but the better thing is that you get to call Assassins's i personaly think that AC2 is much better!!!!

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assassins creed 3 is better than far cry3. far cry is not better because assassins creed is too good

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Unfortunately not, only normal armour can be dyed. If you want coloured armour just go into your villa and change into a different set then go to tailor!

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