

Best Answer

It is better on Xbox 360

Gamespot agrees with the comment, but stills claims "the game is still an impressive piece of online-racing technology." when talking about the PS2 version

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Q: Is test drive unlimited fun for ps2?
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Will test drive unlimited 2 be for the ps2?

No, it was never made for ps2

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Can test drive unlimited 2 be on playstation 2?

No. They will never make it for ps2

How do you get to the secret island on test drive unlimited psp?

There is no way to get to the secret island on Test Drive Unlimited PSP. Sony has not put any teleportational devices in this game to get to the island for the PSP and PS2.

Is test drive unlimited for Wii?

No it is not for the Nintendo Wii and is for the Xbox 360, PSP, PC, and PS2

How do you unlock motorcycles on Test Drive Unlimited for the PSP?

you can't same as the ps2 but can on other platforms.

Where is the main menu in Test Drive Unlimited on Ps2?

at the start of the where it says start game or load game

Is test drive two available on Playstation 2?

No Test Drive unlimited 2 to be released on 10 2010 for the PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 will not be released for the PS2. The Dual: Test Drive II was also not released for the PS2 back in 1989 see related link on test drive series

On test drive unlimited can a PC and a ps2 play online together?

No they can not play together on any game. The games and the networks are not compatible

Is there an Audi r8 on test drive unlimited for ps2?

i have serched everywhere for one in my ford mustang but i can't find one but tell me if you do good luck!

Are there blinkers on test drive unlimited?

For the PS2 version there is not any indicators (blinkers). I dont think there any on there other consoles ether, but there is a horn and headlights.