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No, they fall in love at the end.

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Q: Is spyro cynders brother
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What do you do with the tuning forks on spyro dawn of a dragon?

You have to use Cynders "fear" power, but you have to be quick!

Legends Of Spyro What color are Cynders eyes?

green in TEN, light blue in DotD.

When is the spyro after dawn of the dragon coming out?

there is another... where there grown up there is also a cynders story 1 and a movie spyro is dead they have removed making the games but these are just rumors... hope i helped!

What are cynders powers in spyro?

Cynder's powers are... Poison, Fear, Wind, and Shadow. The Chronicler announced in Dawn of the Dragon, that her powers are those because she was cursed with darkness so her darkness stayed with her throughout the years. ~Peace~Love~Happiness~

Who is Cynders father?


Legend of the Spyro. What is Cynders original element?

you know how each dragons eyes match there scales which lead to there element? Well My theory is that because of Cynder's pale green eyes that she was suppose to be a pale green dragon making her a poison dragon.

Who is slam bams brother from skylanders spyro's adventure for wii?

i dont know, does slam bam have a brother?

How do you get 60 shards in The Legend of Spyro a New Beginning?

................ um.. I guess you just have to walk around and do the levels because I'm playing Spyro right now and I have 39 crystals and i cant find any anywhere ..... and I'm on Cynders lair and I can't find any right now... but I'm sure sooner or later they'll pop up somewhere so keep looking...................... I am too -_______- .

Where can you find information on Spyro?

You can find the information about spyro on this! can answer all the questions u need. Did u know that spyro AND cynder r real? I once saw too purple dots in the sky. I promise this is true and if u dont belive me, pay attention to ur windows and look out it to see if u believe me or not.some more information is here.spyro and cynder are brother and sister.spyro and cyner both have their own elements.Spyro and cynder were separated before they hatched out of their egg.spyro and cynders elements r: Spyro: fire, ice, electricity, & rockCynder: acid, shadow, wind, & slowing down time.spyro and cynder both need Cristal's to use their powers.the only people who will see spyro and cynder is people who REALLY REALLY BELIEVE IT! :D TY FOR READING THIS! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Who is cynders dad?

She Doesn't Have One. She Is Like An Egg That Came From No Where. :DD

Spyro Dawn of the Dragon Wii. What do Elemental attacks do to enemys?

Q: I have been playing this game recently and Ive noticed that when I use Cynders Shadow Strike the enemies fly up nto the air and when they come down they attack eachother! So what are the other elemental attacks doing to enemies beside hurting them?

Is Malefor Spyro's brother?

No, Spyro isn't Malefor's brother because Malefor was born first. He thought he was the only purple dragon to be born. But then until Spyro came, he was a purple dragon too. Malefor used to be on the good side, but when he became older, he turned evil. Im afraid I dont know why Malefor turned evil, but that's all I know. ^ Somewhere in the TLOS trilogy, (don't remember where) The Chronicler tells Spyro that as a young dragon, Malefor was very much like Spyro himself. But he became so corrupted with his power that the Guardians had to lock him in Conveixty. That's how he turned evil. :)