The Princes in the different Prince of Persia stories were inspired by other (fictional) persons, but they are not real persons themselves.
The Prince of Persia's real name, it is Trevor Holloway.
The Princes in the different Prince of Persia stories were inspired by other (fictional) persons, but they are not real persons themselves.
Jake gyllenhaal
There is no real Prince of Persia--instead, this is a video game character played by youth across America. There are many versions of this game, including a Princess in it as well.
no its the story created by jordan mechner
prince of Persia 5-the forgotten sands
Prince Of Persia The Forgotten Sands
How much will prince of Persia 4 be What?
Who Created the game of prince of Persia
prince of persia
when you delete a file in prince of Persia how do you get it back on wii.