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Absolutely you should have no problem defeating one dialga with a team of 6.

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Q: Is my Pokemon team good enough to beat one level 85 Dialga Feraligatr lvl 76 Tyranitar lvl 76 Magmortar lvl 75 Ampharos lvl 74 Dragonite lvl 65 Sceptile lvl 60?
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well i would get sum one like a electric type like ampharos they help u in the game and also get someone like primape or machamp /fighting type .PS how do get a charizard. u have too many flying types electric types could sweep ur charizard and feraligatr but i guess u do have tyranitar which covers that weaknessso that's good but just watch out :(

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Type your answer her i now only three so gyrados should have thunder bolt or thunder ice fang and bit dragonite thunder dragon rush outrage and waterfall feraligatr hydro pump crunch aqua tail and its good for me so superpower

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I would say no the Pokemon are good but the team is not. If you were to have Feraligtr as a starter then Gyrados I think you should have Machamp or Ninetails.

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Mount Silver is the best place to train feraligatr Lv 42 and ampharos lv 37.

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Ur missing a fire type i would recoment houndoom some alternitives are ninetails or flareon

Okay I have Pokemon Soul Silver What is a VERY good team?

This is a very good team: Typhlosion Tyranitar Lugia Piloswine (Mamoswine) Ampharos Dragonite Might not be THE best team, but personally I think it's very good.

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Yeah, only if they are all lvl 100. Snorlax is good with leftovers.. from Celadon City in the bin where they are having the food eating contest