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Well it depends, if you want it for xp, then no...

If you want it for money and you're quite a low level, i strongly recommend mining pure
essence for money.

Usually it sells for medium price in the G.E

~Faithful Orb (in-game name.)

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Q: Is mining pure essence on runescape still worth it?
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How do you get pure essence?

you must : be a member, be on a members world, and have lvl 30 mining. when you try to mine rune essence with these requirements you will instead automatically mine pure essence. which is worth much more

What is a usual gold mining bar weigh?

check on the runescape web site, a lot of information are available there I do not think that Runescape has established weights for mining bars like they have armour. If you mean how many coins it is worth got to the website and go to the Grand Exchange section.

What mining lvl do you need for rune ore on runescape?

Level 85. It isn't really important: at that level you can make money about as fast mining clay, than mining rune ore. The rune ore is worth a lot, but it also takes much longer to get.

Is mining rune essence in rune scape make good money?

Some say it is, but I believe clay is much better - just compare the prices. At the time of this writing, clay is worth 2-3 times as much as rune essence. Note that both rune essence and clay give you very little mining experience, so once you have the required level (level 15, I think it was), you may want to get iron instead.Some say it is, but I believe clay is much better - just compare the prices. At the time of this writing, clay is worth 2-3 times as much as rune essence. Note that both rune essence and clay give you very little mining experience, so once you have the required level (level 15, I think it was), you may want to get iron instead.Some say it is, but I believe clay is much better - just compare the prices. At the time of this writing, clay is worth 2-3 times as much as rune essence. Note that both rune essence and clay give you very little mining experience, so once you have the required level (level 15, I think it was), you may want to get iron instead.Some say it is, but I believe clay is much better - just compare the prices. At the time of this writing, clay is worth 2-3 times as much as rune essence. Note that both rune essence and clay give you very little mining experience, so once you have the required level (level 15, I think it was), you may want to get iron instead.

How much is pure essence worth?

Prices in RuneScape change over time. Look up the price on the Grand Exchange (from the main page), to get the latest prices. You can also see the historical prices, for the last 180 days.

What are good money makers runescape?

Anything that gives resources: mining, fishing, woodcutting, killing cows. For example, even at level 1 mining, you can get clay, which is currently worth over 150 coins each, over 4K for a full inventory. Just mine it, and sell it at the Grand Exchange.

Is it normal to get an emerald while mining coal on runescape?

yes , some times you do while mining , just like random events really You can randomly get several gems while mining; sapphires, rubies, emeralds, or diamonds. Others, too, if you are a member. Don't let anybody cut them for you - "free gem cutting" is a scam: uncut gems are worth more.

Why is gold worth mining?

its worth a lot of money,

What is the difference between prospecting and mining?

Prospecting involves searching for mineral deposits or ore bodies, usually at the surface, to determine if they are worth mining. Mining, on the other hand, involves the extraction of these mineral deposits from the earth, either through open-pit or underground methods. In essence, prospecting is the initial exploration phase, while mining is the actual extraction phase.

What is the fastest way to get money in runescape for in f2p?

One inventory of lobster is worth around 10k but you need 40 fishing for that. Mining Rune essence is good moneymaking but you need to complete rune mysteries quest. Making and selling water runes is very good but you need rune essence and level 5 runecrafting. Mining gold, coal, adamantite or runite is extremely good moneymaking but you'll need level 30-85 mining. Getting cowhides then tanning them into leather and selling them is good moneymaking. Getting big bones from hill, moss or ice giants is very good moneymaking. Fighting monsters like cockroach drones, cockroach soldiers, cockroach workers, moss giants, ice giants, ice warriors, minotaurs (for iron arrows), lesser demons and greater demons. Hope it helped =)

On runescape which sells more yew or rune essence?

If you mean, how fast they sell, it should be about the same for most items, including yew and rune essence. Better look at the prices, and how long it takes you to get them. It doesn't matter if at some moment it takes you a few hours top sell yew, for example; you just leave your offer at the Grand Exchange, and it may sell while you are cutting more yews, or while you are sleeping. Rune essence is not the best option for mining, in my opinion; at level 1, you can also get clay, which is worth much more.If you mean, how fast they sell, it should be about the same for most items, including yew and rune essence. Better look at the prices, and how long it takes you to get them. It doesn't matter if at some moment it takes you a few hours top sell yew, for example; you just leave your offer at the Grand Exchange, and it may sell while you are cutting more yews, or while you are sleeping. Rune essence is not the best option for mining, in my opinion; at level 1, you can also get clay, which is worth much more.If you mean, how fast they sell, it should be about the same for most items, including yew and rune essence. Better look at the prices, and how long it takes you to get them. It doesn't matter if at some moment it takes you a few hours top sell yew, for example; you just leave your offer at the Grand Exchange, and it may sell while you are cutting more yews, or while you are sleeping. Rune essence is not the best option for mining, in my opinion; at level 1, you can also get clay, which is worth much more.If you mean, how fast they sell, it should be about the same for most items, including yew and rune essence. Better look at the prices, and how long it takes you to get them. It doesn't matter if at some moment it takes you a few hours top sell yew, for example; you just leave your offer at the Grand Exchange, and it may sell while you are cutting more yews, or while you are sleeping. Rune essence is not the best option for mining, in my opinion; at level 1, you can also get clay, which is worth much more.

What Easter eggs are there in runescape?

There were all sorts of coloured Easter eggs, but they were stopped, there is still one certain colour bundle left over, and they are worth a lot.