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There's really no better one because each has its goods and bads... L4D1 has more closed maps and has more simplicity and has the cool glitches... on the other hand L4D2 is more open, has melee weapons, and has a lot of crazy moments... and also L4d2 has a smarter AI, which goes back to L4D1's simplicity, so none of them is really better, its what you want to play...

In my opinion, the first L4D is better than L4D2. I agree with the simplicity of L4D1. Plus I like the original survivors better than the ones from L4D2

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13y ago
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14y ago

It's about personal tastes, I guess. If you want scary, go for the first one. It definitely had more of a scare factor involved. If you want more of a challenge or more options, the second one is a lot better. It also has better escape scenarios, rather than just waiting around for somebody to show up.

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13y ago

its an opinion that can not be answered by anyone but yourself but in y opinion gears of war 2 was better

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12y ago

There both the same thing basically because when you play its a lot action. But the only different thing is in dead rising you create weapons in left for dead you play with your Friends.

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Orange Box, because it has Half-Life and Portal in a nice little pack.

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definetly left 4 dead 2 i have it best game ever trust me u will like it :)

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Left For Dead is so much better! Left For Dead rocks!

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I'm pretty sure that people liked l4d 1 better because it was rather new.

Which is better the halo games or the left for dead games?

Left 4 Dead games r way better;)

Will there be a left 4 dead 3 if so will it have the left 4 dead 2 characters?

no, left 4 dead 3 would not have the same characters as in 1 or 2

Is left 4 dead 3 coming out?

No, Left 4 Dead 3 is not coming out. There is only Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead 2. Both fun games.

Where can you download an original left 4 dead 2?

left 4 dead 2 can be downloaded from Steam