It is TOTALLY safe to download! If a virus gets in they shut down ALL servers for as long as they need to and remove it. Also hackers same thing. It is a super safe online MMORPG game. I really recommend it. If you get on friend me I am Flint Ashbane. Pyromancer
Yes it is. Wizard101 is safe to download.
It's safe if you have a anti-virus protection.
No you have to download it.
You cannot...Wizard101 is only compatible for Windows and Mac PC's.
If you delete the download of wizard101 you would not be able to play it even though you may the iconYes but you can put it as your screen saver.
It has not been invented yet but you can download wizardblox a free fun game where you can earn codes for wizard101
Drag the wizard101 shortcut on your desktop to the recycle bin
No, you have to download it. But you can play wizard101 minigames at
If you're looking for ringtones, go to the wizard101 downloads page.
Yes, it is!
go to and type in wizard101 test realm download and just download it and enter you user and pass :p
You have to be a subscriber to get into test realm (i think). If you are, then type in google: wizard101 test realm download. you will be able to download it and get on. hope this helps!! :)