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Q: Is it good to have more seeders and leechers in a torrent?
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How do you increase in speed?

find a torrent with more seeders and less leechers -hope this helps:))

What are seeders and leechers?

Seeders are people who have already downloaded the file earlier. Once a user has finished downloading a torrent, whenever he's is online, he will upload tiny bits of file to those users who are still downloading the torrent. The downloading process of your torrent depends on the number of seeders online. The more seeders the faster the download will go.Leechers are people who has a negative effect on the swarm of the torrent. Leechers are commonly the users who download much than they upload. They are the users who doesn't leave their bit torrent clients seeding after downloading the file. They didn't spread the share of seeds that has been downloaded to the user.When searching torents, always magnet those links with high seeded torents. If there are no seeders, you will never finish the download, no matter how many leechers there are!

Does number of seeders and lechers affect downloading speed?

Yes, the number of seeders and leechers can affect downloading speed. More seeders generally result in faster download speeds as there are more sources available for the data. Leechers can impact download speed if there are fewer seeders, as there may be competition for available data.

What does peers in utorrent mean?

A peer in uTorrent is simply someone that has the file on their computer and is letting you leech off of them.Added by Krofs:There are two meanings to "peer"Those who have less than 100% of the content associated with the torrent. They download from seeds and other peers and upload to other peers. (Most bittorrent clients use the term this way).All of those active on a torrent, i.e., those who have 100% and those who have less than 100%. (Most torrent search sites use this definition).uTorrent uses definition 1 for peers.

Where can one download the Timewave Zero software?

Timewave Zero along with various other programs and files can be downloaded at the pirate bay in torrent form or at cnet in a regular file. They have multiple copies of the same files or programs but in better qualities so looking for a file with many seeders over leechers will be preferable as it will be proven to be more beneficial.

Do the number of seeders and leachers matter when downloading torrents?

It would be better if there were more seeders, as it would download faster. Don't think number of leechers matters. Added by Krofs" Yes. The general rule here is to choose torrents that have a high seed to peer ratio. Seeds have 100% of the content associated with the torrent and are only uploading to peers. Peers also upload to other peers, but are also looking for other peers to upload to themselves and their download capacity is almost always higher than their upload capacity. This rule applies even though one swarm has significantly more active users than another. For example, a torrent with 30 seeders and 70 peers (30% seeders) will generally be faster than one with 500 seeders and 2500 peers (20% seeders) as the average upload capacity available to the peers will be higher. Optimizing Bittorrent Clients for Speed

Why doesn't my torrent downloader not download it downloads at 00.0 kbps it has seeders and stuff but it doesnt download help?

The torrent is probably dead and has no Seeders. There has to be atleast 1 seeder to have the complete file. If there are only leechers with no seeders then it is an incomplete file. They stated there were seeders. Also note, that most P2P software is smart enough to split the files across multiple leaches, so that a full copy exists between them all - even though they may not have the full file themselves. Normally when you cannot download on a P2P product, you are firewalled (either locally or through your provider). Most of these products, and their websites, have help sections that will walk you through the process of opening the ports - changing the ports to avoid localized firewalls. Without more information about the exact P2P software you are using there is not much more help that can be provided.

What is a seeder?

A seeder is someone who contributes to a torrent(shares the files) Vs. a Leecher(someone who doesn't share after downloading) many torrent sites include a Seeder and Leecher List for each individual torrent you download. the more seeders the faster the download.

What does seeding mean in torrent?

The people sharing & connected to each other using the bit-torrent protocol are split into 2 categories. SEEDS(uppers) & LEECHERS(downloaders) In the begining while downloading a torrent for the first time you are a leecher because the download hasn't completed. When it completes you switch to a seeder and dedicate that stream to simply uploading. The more seeds available the faster the download. Seeding is the process of connecting to a torrent when you have a complete file. Yes it is important to seed 1 to 1. The more seeders there are on a torrent the faster the torrent is. You are not downloading the torrent from the actual site you get it from. You are downloading it off another user that has it on their computer. Let's say someone uploads a torrent to a site and that person seeds at 100kbps. At first every single leecher is trying to get the file from the uploader which if there are 10 leechers then each leecher is approximately getting the file at 10kbps. Let's say the 10 people finish downloading the torrent from the uploader. Each also is seeding at a speed of 100kbps. That means the total speed of the torrent after the 10 get done downloading the file is 1100kbps. Because 10 are seeding at 100kbps and the original uploader is seeding at 100kbps. So if there are 11 more leechers getting the file now each of those leechers are approximately getting the file at 100kbps instead of 10kbps because there is a 1 to 1 ratio per seeder & leecher. If everyone just downloaded the file from the uploader and stopped seeding without seeding the torrent 1:1 then the uploader will always be stuck seeding. Which the speed of the torrent will hardly go up because the leechers will always outnumber the seeder. So it is important to seed back at least what you take. So if you download a file that is 1GB then seed back 1GB. That is why it is called FILE SHARING. People are considerate enough to share their stuff you can repay them back by seeding back what you take so others can enjoy it as well.

Why your torrents are very slow?

Often, torrents are slow at downloading because it does not have many seeders or leechers. When you are downloading/uploading the file, you are referred to as the 'leecher'. Once your download is complete, you will see that your Bittorent client will keep on uploading the file, since downloading takes much less time than uploading. Once you have completely uploaded the file, you are known as a 'seeder'. The more the seeders on a torrent, the faster the downloads. Other than that, you can forward your ports in order to increase your download speed. Isohunt's forums offer a good place to find out almost everything about torrents, and how to increase your download speeds. You will have to register first to view the forums, but its free!

How long should a torrent take to download?

Because you have chosen a torrent that has very few peers/seeds. Either that or your firewall/router is blocking the connection to some degree. It will only go as fast as your internet connection will allow. If you want to speed it up and are sure your router/firewall isn't a problem then either upgrade your internet connection or choose a similar file with as many seeds as you can get.

How do you make torrent complete so fast?

Torrent speeds are dependent on the seeders and peers you are connected to. This is called a swarm. If there are alot of seeds/peers in your swarm there is a better chance you'll download faster as you can get information downloaded from more people (usually). Also it depends on the speed set by the seeder/peer, they might cap their upload limit or throttle it, another technique is to moniter the ratio (uploaded:downloaded ratio) of connected leechers (you) and throttle based on that ratio. As the file is shared to you and your peers, you all get little bits and pieces a little bit at a time, so if you have piece "a" and they have piece "b" you can get it from them and vice versa as well as from the seeders (original uploader and others with completed files). In short the more seeds/peers you can connect to the faster it goes (usually).