the best class is dragonlord posted 1/1/2009
You can't.
The best class for aqw is rouge class FROM SOMEONE ELSE rogue class is alright but if u counted chronomancer its the best it does upto 10k damage wen ur lvl 35 >................. FROM SOMEONE ELSE AGAIN THE BEST CLASS I THINK IS NO CLASS!
it allows you to have dragonlord class on aqw, the code is the log in details for a dragon fable account. The dragon fable account nust be a dragon lord on that game for the code to work. (you have to have a dragon amulet).
Vindicator of they Dragonlord Ninja Chrono(corruptor)(mancer) (Beta) Berserker Necromancer Troll Spellsmith Horc Evader
No you do not have to be member in aqworlds to get Dragonlord. However, even though you do not need member on aqworlds, you need the Dragon Amulet on DragonFable to get the class which is like being member in DragonFable.
nope, unless you have dragon amulet, i want it too, but im now getting the necromancer class.
Guardian Class + Defender Class actually. To get one, or both, of these armors, you need to verify one of your accounts that has a Guardian on it. Or Star Captain or Dragonlord.
You can't get Evolved Dragonlord in AQWorlds. But you can in DragonFable. I'm assuming when evolved dragonlord will come out it will be DRAGONLORDS ONLY.
if u have an amulet in dragon fable,u goto aqworlds home page,there should be a list on your left.if u scroll down there would be a sign that says verify dragonlord.
oracle class is the best