

Best Answer

well the bear factory had different clothes from build a bear and they have different names. does that answer your question? well the bear factory had different clothes from build a bear and they have different names. does that answer your question?

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Q: Is a design a bear the same as a build a bear?
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Do the beds on build a really fit your build a bear?

Yes, beds sold by Build-A-Bear Workshop should fit your furry friend.

Would build a bear clothes fit design a bears?

Yes, my children have mixed and matched build a bear and design a bear clothes and teddies.

What do you get with the rainbow build a bear?

you get wings that are the same color as your bear (:

Where can I design a plush toy and order it for under 40?

At Build-a-Bear factory. If you do not know one near you, they have a site:

What is the highest bear bill for Build-a-Bear?

When I got my build cost build-a-bear it cost $30. That included the bear, an outfit, and little undies for the bear.

How do you get cloths for your bear in bear ville?

If your talking about Build-A-Bear-Vile, then you can go to the shop that is next to the hair dresser and on the same screen as the cinema and the cafe.

Is there a cheat for a build a bear?

NO. all you have to do is buy a bear from build a bear workshop.

How do you delete a bear on build a bear ville?

You can't delete a build a bear .

How do make your build a bear workshop online?

You can't but you can get a online build a bear by making a build a bear and printing a birth certificate and become a member and get a online build a bear

Where can you get build a bear hello kitty bows?

From build a bear

Where is the location of build a bear in the Philippines?

There is no Build-a-Bear in the Philippines.

Where do you get build a bear cards from?

You get them from your local build a bear workshop.