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to put it simply "no".

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Q: Is Yuffie Kisigari playable in Dirge of Cerberus Final Fantasy VII?
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How old is yuffie from Final Fantasy?

It depends on what game you're talking about. In Final Fantasy VII, she was 16. In Advent Children, she was 18. In Crisis Core, she was nine, and in Dirge of Cerberus, she was 19. I hope that answers your quesiton.

In Final Fantasy VII what is Yuffie's last name?

Yuffie's last name is Kisaragi.

Does Vincent like yuffie?

Well actually it's not determined yet, but there is a romantic feeling between them and if you ever play final fantasy vii: dirge of cerberus it shows seen to prove it especially the end scene it truly proves that yuffie really has feelings for Vincent

What happens if you fail to get yuffie in final fantasy 7?

Yuffie is an optional character so theres nothing really change the story, the only not so bad side of not getting yuffie is you wont get the Leviathan Materia.

How many secret characters can you find in Final Fantasy 7?

two. yuffie and Vincent yuffie you find in the forest after you get out of the cave with the snake... and Vincent you find in nibelhem

What game can you find Yuffie in?

Yuffie can be found in the game Final Fantasy VII. She can be found at any time during the adventure, after leaving Midgar, and after driving around a forest area.

Who are the 2 hidden characters in final fantasy 7?

Vincent (in shinra mansion.) , and Yuffie (find in forest around the world.)

How many years did advent children happen afte dirge of Cerberus?

Every time I meet someone who's a ff7 fan, theirs allways a minor debate about the time line of the Final Fantasy 7 series. Advent Children is the continuation of ff7, the ps2 game, while most of the magazines I have read point out that dirge of cerberus happened 1, 2, or even 3 years after Final Fantasy VII Advent Children. Well being a gamer and an artist myself, I have a couple of character design details which would tell the time line of the Final Fantasy 7 series. If you have played dirge of cerberus, you would notice that Vincent and Yuffie's outfits is still similar to Final Fantasy 7 in the PS2. The only difference is Vincent's roled up sleeve on his right hand, and the fingerless glove. Yuffie, with the exact same outfit. While Cloud and the others are wearing their advent children outfits. I'd also like to point out that in dirge of cerberus, Cloud still has the black cloth with he uses to cover his geostigma. . . . . So if dirge of cerberus happened after advent children, would'NT it be strange that Cloud still wears that black cloth in Dirge of Cerberus? I mean it was healed in the church in advent children, do you think that Cloud just wears it for fun? And last, you would notice that in Advent Children, Vincent seems to know much about Kadaj. Well the reason is Dirge of Cerberus, in the game you would find your self picking up reports on what Sephioth and Hojo left behind after the events of ff7 in the PS2 game. So the final conclusion is that, Final Fantasy 7 Dirge of Cerberus happened in between the events of Final Fantasy 7 and Final Fantasy 7 advent Children. - Thomas W you may not have noticed but your logic, no mater how much sense it may make, is wrong. and I'm not trying to put down on you but on the back of the dirge of cerberus case which i have right in front of me clearly states, and i quote "Set after the events in FINAL FANTASY VII and FINAL FANTASY VII ADVENT CHILDREN..." Kyle M And also, it says in the movie that its 2 yrs after Meteor Fall, While in the game it says it's 3 yrs.

Are there any Final Fantasy movies that are going to come out and have Cloud and Tifa in them?

yes, but it came out already, the movie is final fantasy advent children, it includes most of the ff characters like reno, tifa, cloud, or yuffie.

When was Yuffie Kisaragi created?

Yuffie Kisaragi was created in 1997.

What actors and actresses appeared in Reminiscence of Final Fantasy VII - 2005?

The cast of Reminiscence of Final Fantasy VII - 2005 includes: Yumi Kakazu as Yuffie Kisaragi Takahiro Sakurai as Cloud Strife Kazuyuki Yama as Cid Highwind

What do you say to Yuffie in Final Fantasy vii?

Once the battle is over, your party and Yuffie will appear on a small map with a save point. Yuffie will be lying down, tired from battle. DO NOT USE THE SAVE POINT. Yuffie is a materia thief. You must NOT take your eyes off her. Do not access your menu or anything. If you do use the Save point or go to a menu, she will be gone and she will have taken some of your Gil. With all this in mind, approach Yuffie while she is laying down and start to talk with her. Now, during this little dialog, you'll have a choice of what you want to say. You must say the correct things in order for her to get the idea that you want her in your party. Follow the proceeding instructions carefully! Yuffie: "You spikey-headed jerk One more time, let's go one more time!" CORRECT ANSWER: Not interested. Yuffie: "You're pretty scared of me, huh?" CORRECT ANSWER: ......petrified. After this, she'll start to leave, but will turn back around and say: Yuffie: "I'm really gonna leave! REALLY!" CORRECT ANSWER: Wait a second! Yuffie: "You want me to go with you?" CORRECT Answer: ......That's right. Yuffie: "All right! I'll go with you!" CORRECT Answer: ......Let's hurry on. Now, Yuffie will have joined your party. Train her as you will and have fun!