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Q: Is Heracross good
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What does a Heracross evolve into?

No You can get Heracross on honey tree's. No. Shut up! good bye. ~kalempokemaster~

Is Heracross a good elite 4 Pokemon?

No, try Dragonair, Dragonite, Gyrados, etc. Heracross is WEAK compared to these!

What Pokemon scizor bellossom or heracross?

well bellossom has a good sp def. and it doesnt have a double weakness, but heracross and scizor have really good attacks and scizor has better defenses than heracross overall i'd choose scizor

Is Heracross part of a good Pokemon team?

Yes heracross has huge attack power plus his megahorn move is super strong.

What pokemons make a good team with gallade?

Heracross and Pidgeot.

Can you catch Heracross in Pokemon sapphire?

Yes, youc an catch Heracross. Heracross can be found by trading for it or by headbutting trees. Try the trees to the left of your home for a good chance to find one. It comes as a female or a male.

Where would be a good place to train a Heracross in hgss?

You can train a Heracross in any cave. If you know a trainer with psychic Pokemon, you can train Heracross against that trainer. Caves are the best choices because fighting easily beats rock.

What moves does heracross learn?

only heracross' good moves are listed here: * night slash * megahorn * close combat * brick break * horn drill

Which is better Tauros Heracross or Exeggutor And why?

Exeggutor has the highest base stats at 520 and learns powerful moves. Heracross has base stats of 500 and is also a good choice

What does heracross in Pokemon evolve into?

Heracross does NOT evolve.

What are some good bug Pokemon on gold version?

Your best bet is Heracross.

What type is Heracross?

Heracross is a Bug/Fighting-type Pokemon.