An 'Elemental Hero monster' is defined as a monster with 'Elemental Hero' in the name. No other monsters count, even if they are from a similar archetype, like Hero Kid or the Neospacians.
There is no fusion monster for the two.
Elemental Hero Neos doesn't have an effect. its a normal monster.
You'll need Polymerization, or another card that fuses monsters. You need to fuse any combination of the following: "Elemental HERO Neos" or "Elemental HERO Neos Alius", any other HERO monster (ie. Elemental HERO Sparkman, Destiny HERO Diamond Dude, Dark HERO Inferno Wing, Masked HERO Dian), a Neo-Spacian monster, and a Neo Space monster (ie. Neo Space Pathfinder). The conditions are that you must include a "Neos" monster, a HERO monster, and a Neo-Spacian or Neo Space monster.
Yes, she is an Elemental Hero monster. If it didn't count herself, it would say 'other' Elemental Hero monsters.
No. In the Elemental Hero series, Contact Fusion is reserved for Elemental Hero Neos and the Neo-Spacians. To fuse Elemental Hero Necroshade and Elemental Hero Wildheart, you must use the Spell Card Polymerization. This combination forms Elemental Hero Necroid Shaman.Elemental Hero Necroid ShamanDARK/Warrior/Fusion/Effect/Level 6ATK: 1900DEF: 1800This monster cannot be Special Summoned except by Fusion Summon. When this card is Special Summoned, destroy 1 monster your opponent controls. Then select 1 monster from your opponent's Graveyard and Special Summon it to their side of the field.
elemental heroes have all different monsters so it all depends on the situation 1: opponent monster with lots of equip cards - elemental hero thunder giant 2: enemy with lots of life points - elemental hero flame wingman (or shining flame wingman) 3: strong monster - elemental hero tempest 4: opponent only playing defence - elemental hero bladedge (warning 1-3 are fusions)
Elemental hero neos is a normal monster so there for it is not a fusion and no cards combine to make it.
When Elemental Hero Flame Wingman destroys a monster in battle, the opponent loses life points equal to half the destroyed monster's attack points.
Evil Hero Wild Cyclone specifically requires those two. Elemental Hero Gaia requires an Elemental Hero and an Earth monster, so technically you can use Avian and Wildheart as fusion components. Likewise, E Hero Great Tornado (Japanese only at the moment) needs an Elemental Hero and a Wind monster, so could also be summoned using those two.
Elemental Hero Plasma ViceAttribute: EARTHType: Warrior/Fusion/EffectLevel: 8ATK: 2600DEF: 2300"Elemental Hero Sparkman" + "Elemental Hero Bladedge"This monster cannot be Special Summoned except by Fusion Summon. During battle between this attacking card and a Defense Position monster whose DEF is lower than the ATK of this card, inflict the difference as Battle Damage to your opponent. By discarding one card from your hand, destroy 1 monster in Attack Position your opponent controls.
it is like a polymerization for elemental heroes it only works to summon an elmental hero fusion monster and you can take the fusion material cards(they are the cards needed to make a fusion monster they are listed on the fusion monster) form the graveyard and/or the feild (not hand) don't put them in the graveyard put them in the removed from play pile (this is seprate from the graveyard) and special summon the elemental herofusion monster (this is treated as a fusion summon) ex:elemental hero flame wingman on feild elemental hero sparkman in graveyard use the miracle fusion spell card to summon elemental hero shinning flare wingman and remove from play elemental hero flame wingman and elemental hero sparkman
Erm no, there are only fifty of them, I've counted the merged also. In all there are sixty five. doto the fact most of the heroes can merege. if you count the neospacians there are seventy. the main five are avian, sparkman, clayman, burstinatrix, and bubble man. There are exactly 50 Elemental Heroes. You can find a list of all Elemental Heroes in the related link below. Note: Not all of the Elemental Heroes are released (yet) in the OCG.