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There are many theories to why the witch cries but this is my theory hope you enjoy....

the witch was a happy human, beautiful, sweet and polite. she never got into any trouble ever. until one night she was walking home from her friends house and cut through a dark alley, oblivious to anything except getting home.

she felt a throb on her head as if she had been hit.

the rest of the night was blury. from what she could remember. she was raped.

8 months later she was so excited...she had forgotten how but she was expecting a baby and she couldn't wait!

weeks passed and she had a beautiful baby son. he was her life. she loved him with everything she had and more.

aged 3 weeks old her son died. suffocated.

she couldn't stop crying

and never will

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13y ago
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13y ago

She is trying to lure survivors over to her so she can do away them. The survivors think the witch is a Survivor. Survivors are only fooled the first time because the survivor will know the next time if he/she survives the 1st witch attack

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14y ago

the witch cries because she wants u to come near her. when u go near her u startle her which makes her chase after you

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Q: In the game Left4Dead why does the witch cry?
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