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two houses down from yours right after the dirty car

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Q: In the computer game Miss Popularity where is your bff?
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How do you send BFF news to people on Moshi Monsters?

You can't. You choose your BFF's (Best Friends) and then the Moshi Monsters game posts the messages about your BFF's.

Ihate mybffs bff what do ido?

If you are not your friends bff then she isn't really your bff now is she? Hating her bff is kind of pointless then isn't it?

What is the Hebrew word for bff?

a male bff = chavehr tov (חבר טוב) a female bff = chavehrah tovah (חברה טובה)

What is a game you can play with your BFF?

watch a movie and eat popcorn, make cookies, play computer games together (if you have 2 or more computers) play outside, play a board game, play made up games in your (or her) room, play toilet tag or freeze tag through her house( ask her parents first! they get mad if you dont, i would know!!!) play hide and seek, make bracelets or necklaces with beads, watevr! this is the stuf i do with my bff! play strip monopoly.

Bff is abbrevation of?

Bff = Best friend forever

Is airiss your bff?

yes airiss and nijah is not her bff only me

Who is Nicole Richie's Bff?

Nicole's bff is Paris Hilton

Why is Paris Hilton searching for a new BFF?

Because she did not have a bff.

Who is Katie herreras bff?

Katie's BFF is Abigal Breslin

What does bff on Facebook?

BFF means Best Friends Forever

My bff goes out with other people Is she still my bff?

Yes. She is still your bff because going out with other people does not change anything.

Who is Bella Throne bff?

i think that her new bff is Zendaya Coleman