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master chief crashes on earth at the begining. both of them along with the arbiter crash on halo at the last level

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Q: In halo 3 what planet do master chief and cortana crash on?
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Did master chief crash on reach at the end of halo3?

no, it was an unidentified planet either in the same system as the ark or somewhere between the ark and earth

How does master chief save cortana?

Cortana was on the High Charity, a crashed covenant ship, which contained the flood. you see it crash into earth at the end of mission 4, the storm. Anyways, in mission 8, cortana, you go back into the ship to save cortana. Personally, it is the mission i find hardest, because you're by yourself the whole time except for the very end when the Arbiter comes to help. It's very hard on legendary, so good luck if you haven't beaten it.

How did 3% end?

He lived I'm assuming pretty much everyone has played the game by now so I will expand on the above answer: The master Chief and the Arbiter have activated the new Halo ring and race to the frigate "Forward Unto Dawn" in a UNSC Warthog. They make it just in time and the Chief narrowly escapes being sucked into the gravity of the collapse of the premature firing of the replacement for installation 04 as the Arbiter takes command at the bridge (I assume Cortana has full control). Cortana says to the Chief "It's been a pleasure serving with you, John." We next see the Dawn crash land in a body of water and the Arbiter emerging with shocked looks from some human rescuers. Lord Hood and the remaining survivors back on earth are holding a remembrance service and Lord Hood says to the Arbiter, "I remember how this war started, what your kind did to mine. I cannot forgive you. But you have my thanks for standing by him to the end. Hard to believe he's dead." They shake hands and the Arbiter replies with, "Were it so easy." The Arbiter is then seen on his own ship and sets off with his remaining Elites back to their home planet. The credits roll and after they end we see the Master Chief still floating in a non gravity atmosphere within the Dawn. Cortana explains that when the ring was activated prematurely it "Did a number on the Ark." This caused the portal to become unstable and only the front most part of the frigate made it through leaving the Master Chief and Cortana floating in space in the remains. Cortana lays an emergency beacon and comments that it will be months before they are found, years even. The master Chief enters a cryo tube and prepares to activate it. Cortana states, "I'll miss you." The Master Chief replies with, "Wake me, when you need me." However in the Halo 4 Master Chief was probably dead because they show inside of him. Cortana yells at Chief to wake up. When he woke up, Chief suddenly burst out and that the ship he was on was blowing up. He got Cortana and use his jet pack (We didn't know that he had a jet pack all the time and didn't use it). When he got out he and Cortana are heading to an unknown world. The place that threatened the universe. So it isn't the end of Halo. Halo 4 comes out this 2012. 343 Industries takes over for Bungie

Do they ever find master chief?

Well actually in Halo: Reach at the end you see that they moved him into a diffrent ship but never un-freeze him. and at the very end you see the ship him and cortana were in at the end of halo 3 crash landed on reach. Hey, actually at the very end of Reach they show Master Chief and Cortana but not were they were in halo 3. When you see him,hes is frozen at the time of Halo 1 not Halo reach. This can be very confusing, I know. Remember, Reach is a prequal to Halo 1.( Halo Reach happened before Halo 1 but not made before.) =P

What is a Promethean in halo 4?

A Promethean is a new species of enemy alien in Halo 4. Master Chief finds them on Requiem when he crash lands on the planet. They are led by the Didact, the main enemy in the game.

How does halo reach end?

Cortana informs the Arbiter and Masterchief that the flood are trying to establish themselves on the newly constructed Halo. Arbiter, Masterchief and Johnson fight their way to the control room where they are betrayed by Guilty Spark who wants to preserve the Ark even in the face of iminent contamination. In the fire fight that follows, Johnson is killed by Guilty Spark who is then destroyed by Masterchief and Arbiter. The two then activate the unfinished Halo and use Johnson's Warthog to reach Forward Unto Dawn; a UNSC ship which they then use to escape the Ark which explodes as the Halo activates. Arbiter is seen being rescued from the crashed ship which landed in one of Earth's oceans, but Masterchief and Cortana are no where to be found. A memorial is heald for Masterchief, Johnson and the other soldiers lost in the war for the Ark. After watching the credits, the player learns that Masterchief and Cortana are still alive and Masterchief enters a cryo-chamber and is frozen to await rescue. If you beat the game on legendary dificulty, you see the half of Forward Unto Dawn that Masterchief and Cortana are in; drifting towards an unknown planet.

Can someone tell me what the Halo game is about?

Hey halo is very interesting The millatary created an operation called Spartan 11 all of them failed except one he mad a blind jump into space 2 lead the covanent away from earth. For his act he was come 2 kno as the master chief. aka Michael Jackson

Does master chief come back in halo reach?

No, Master Chief is NOT in Halo: ODST.This shouldn't discourage you from playing, however. It is a very fun game and the perspective from an ODST (Orbital Drop Shock Trooper) and the storyline employed are quite intriguing.

What is the story line in Halo 3?

It starts out with Master Chief crash landing on Earth. It is the year 2553, and The Covenant have found Earth. However, the Elites join you so you have extra help. Basically it's about the end of the Human-Covenant War.

What happen to master chief brother in the forgotten spartan?

If you are talking about James he went on a mission with John and got his jetpack shot where he then crashed into the back of a frigate caused that to crash and killed loads of people he also died John was never the same

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